7 Lessons learned in 2016

1. Do business in Equilibrium
Equilibrium is not a place for emotion. You cannot allow yourself to be hurt, disappointed, or lost. As it is all about rejection. Which we dread. Handle rejection carefully and emotionlessly. Keep your heart on your sleeve in business, but your trumps on the table.
The moments of rejection are the pillars on which each business is constructed and construed as the beginning of a beautiful “friendship.” Just learn and build. Together.

2. Time is on my mind!Above all, we have been given the gift of time and the opportunity to make choices. And they are accurate if we allow ourselves the patience and time to consider everything.

3. “Dream, Believe, Dare, Do!” – Walt Disney. Your dreams are part of who you are… so keep them close. You may sleep with them at night if you dare to devise a strategy in the morning. Or let them float in from another world and thrust them into reality the first opportunity you have.

4. Creating trust. According to Seth Godin, the greatest method to build a brand is to build trust in the marketplace. With everything at your disposal and within your grasp. If you are “the unburnt,” you utilize it to build faith that if necessary, you will burn enemies. You’re on the correct track if your capabilities burn holes in your consumers’ difficulties.

5. Storytelling. Stories are our meat and our magic. We are storytellers no matter what we do. The sum of our talents, abilities, and achievements is always a narrative. Keep your audience engaged throughout your narrative!

6. Stay healthy! has become my other business, and it has started to pick up… I have never felt better and stronger, and creativity hits more often. I do admit it sometimes hits me with a club, but I can always count on my humor to cover up the bruises.

7. Happiness is the root of all life. “One has to spend so many years in learning how to be happy.” –George Elliot. I had but one year to clear my vision, impaired by unhappiness and clouds of doubt. And to find a little bit of wisdom.

What I want for the new 2017
I would wish for each day to breathe life into all my projects! And to be able to nurture relationships with the tremendous courage of a newly blooming cherry tree.
Above all, I wish for you that all of your dreams come true and that you no longer strive for anything other than happiness in your soul. The rest is here.


Art by Choi Mi Kyung.

She is primarily a teacher of English. Also her mind is lured by goodies like finance, economics, interest rates, the stock market, as she has a hankering for how the money is made. Nevertheless she is a dreamer on a cloud...As dreams cost nothing... On ordinary days she is a word-weaver for everything and everything that breathes. On the best of days she just follows the seasons by means of bike, skis, or roller-skates. She is grateful to all colors of the world and to people who read, smile and drop a line here, or on her email. Contributing author for 5 Medium.com publications, Spillwords.com and Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective.

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Posted in Blog de companie, Business, Entrepreneurship, Quote, Visible stories
12 comments on “7 Lessons learned in 2016
  1. weekosite says:

    It is nice to read all this.
    … Walt Disney. Your dreams are part of who you are … I keep them close.
    I have always done this, it is sad to live without. Through the years, people forget the dreams, people do not dream enough.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Julia, my pet name is ‘Cherry’, so I particularly like your last paragraph.:) Lovely to meet you and thank you for the like. It’s good to have this connection and I look forward to reading more of your blog. Happy New Year! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Her Digital says:

    Great post, thanks for sharing a bit from your year. Hope your 2017 is amazing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Helen says:

    To be honest, it is an original article , given the topic and the general trend and writings that I had, by now, the chance to read, that fall in the ” lessons learnt in that year” category. Really enjoyed reading it and actually discovered interesting lessons , good luck with the other half of 2017 !

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stardust, they shine and sparkle in my heart. Thank you!

“Language is not like the sun,
heating and scorching
but like the moon
keeping secrets
and the arcane magic of the night
throwing stars
in the lilacs’ claws
till dawn.” -Iulia Halatz

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