Gramatica:”I-ati” sau “Ia-ti” ?

Ofer cursuri de gramatica limbii engleze, dar mai povestesc si despre limba romana…

Am citit online: “I-ati diploma…” In acest context cratima este folosita gresit.

Cratima separa 2 lucruri/concepte diferite: verbul de pronume.

In exemplul dat “I-ati”...I este pronumele iar ati este verbul…Deci ar fi asa: voi ati.…Dar nu este corect pentru ca mesajul se adeseaza tie, nu voua…

Corect este: Ia-ti diploma…In care Ia este verbul a lua, iar ti vine de la tie-iti-ti = formele neaccentuate ale pronumelui personal. Ia-ti diploma = Tu iei diploma.

Ca ultim sfat: cand nu stii unde este cratima, separa cele 2 cuvinte: trebuie sa fie un pronume, de obicei forma neaccentuata si un verb (la persoana respectiva).

PS: Majoritatea greselilor apar din neatentie sau hipercorectitudine, nu neaparat din lipsa de informatie.

Mai povestim si cu alte ocazii :)))..

Va astept la curs (gramatica engleza in fiecare week-end).

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She is primarily a teacher of English. Also her mind is lured by goodies like finance, economics, interest rates, the stock market, as she has a hankering for how the money is made. Nevertheless she is a dreamer on a cloud...As dreams cost nothing... On ordinary days she is a word-weaver for everything and everything that breathes. On the best of days she just follows the seasons by means of bike, skis, or roller-skates. She is grateful to all colors of the world and to people who read, smile and drop a line here, or on her email. Contributing author for 5 publications, and Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective.

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Posted in Blog de companie, Curs de engleză

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