A shark tale

“Back in the days when storytelling was the main form of entertainment, tales of mythical creatures abounded. Today we seem to indulge in the mere scraps of what was once an epic feast of legend.”

In this modern age, there appears another mythical creature, the shark, a protean-like coiling in the grass type of snake, ready to turn your business proceedings and agreements into dust with swift smooth-tongued, loaded Questions…

As an entrepreneur I have started small. I am still small fish and I deal with sharks, corporate companies. I have created my ‘corporate’ culture from scratch, and I have developed my business solely through growth hacking.
What I have learned when trying to impose my imaginative but new small company culture to the sophisticated corporates is to strike gold, provided you know who you are and consequently, the “protocol” to offer and create huge amounts of Value and solve problems.The more problems you solve, the better you speak the shark tongue.

Tim Ferriss once said, “A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.”

Sharks’ words are never comfortable as they know no mercy and smell fear and disorder from afar. Whomever has never been told that his/her products or services are useless doesn’t know how to shine a carefully chosen smile in the face of the creature with disposable teeth, and sink into the right order of things. Which is there are other sharks. But when a big shark says to you, “you are no good”, then you are (good), because you are there sharing the same table, conference room and presentation… On this gleeful occasion I am thanking all the sharks in my life, the ones who have taught me to smile at the glint of rejection, and the ones who have taught me that:

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” – Jack Canfield

Besides trading my help for their help, I will thank them all in a more personalized manner.

Art by Michael Sowa.






She is primarily a teacher of English. Also her mind is lured by goodies like finance, economics, interest rates, the stock market, as she has a hankering for how the money is made. Nevertheless she is a dreamer on a cloud...As dreams cost nothing... On ordinary days she is a word-weaver for everything and everything that breathes. On the best of days she just follows the seasons by means of bike, skis, or roller-skates. She is grateful to all colors of the world and to people who read, smile and drop a line here, or on her email. Contributing author for 5 Medium.com publications, Spillwords.com and Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective.

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Posted in Blog de companie, Business, Entrepreneurship
17 comments on “A shark tale
  1. Shyamal says:

    Amazing and true.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. As the saying goes, don’t let the bastards bring you down.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Actually that phrase got me thinking of the root of the word… wondering if sometime in the near future it will become politically incorrect because of its discriminatory origins. I guess we’ll see. (Wouldn’t have thought about it had I not recently watched Game of Thrones. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think you have a whale of a way with words. Wonderful post. Those sharks had better swim carefully. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Sidharth says:

    The magnificence of your creativity is outstandingly brilliant as always keep up with the good work Lulia ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Leslie says:

    Thank you for this wise perspective, succinctly shared.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. chevvy8 says:

    A very good analogy Julia. What resilience and tenacity you have to have to be an entrepreneur! Well done!😊

    Liked by 1 person

  8. […] via A shark tale — Blog de companie […]

    Liked by 1 person

  9. […] My Tyrannosaurus writing has found me a path out of chaos. Chaos amidst which I found myself while trying to develop my business. Then I did not know that business world is sharks’ empire. I put it in writing in my Shark Tale. […]


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heating and scorching
but like the moon
keeping secrets
and the arcane magic of the night
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in the lilacs’ claws
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