Engleza de joi/ Dandelion

Dandelion = a small wild plant with a bright yellow flower that becomes a soft white ball of seeds called a dandelion clock.

“Most of the dandelions had changed from suns into moons.”
Vladimir Nabokov


Art by James R. Eads.


She is primarily a teacher of English. Also her mind is lured by goodies like finance, economics, interest rates, the stock market, as she has a hankering for how the money is made. Nevertheless she is a dreamer on a cloud...As dreams cost nothing... On ordinary days she is a word-weaver for everything and everything that breathes. On the best of days she just follows the seasons by means of bike, skis, or roller-skates. She is grateful to all colors of the world and to people who read, smile and drop a line here, or on her email. Contributing author for 5 Medium.com publications, Spillwords.com and Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective.

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Posted in Engleza de joi, Quote, Words in English
10 comments on “Engleza de joi/ Dandelion
  1. grumpytyke says:

    They are among my (and Petronela’s) favourite flowers – so cheerfully misbehaved.😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. In my city many people are obsessed with eradicating them from their lawns. Some even go to superstores to purchase elaborate mechanised pullers. I’ve always thought them beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. daisymae2017 says:

    We get a whole bunch each year. They are among the daisies which make them hard to get when you snap their heads off. They’re messy too. Get all that yellow on your hands-messy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Methinks it’s psychological projection of their own inner “weeds.” Like Lady Macbeth, “out damned spot!” Xx☺😱💖

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Iulia Halatz says:

    I totally agree! You see way beyond my words :). I am every day at war with my inner “weeds”. Sometimes I win, sometimes I learn 🙂 I am sorry for responding so late.. I bid you a lovely day!


  6. Yuriy Ku says:

    Never heard this wonderful observation from Nabokov. His visuality strikes and your choice of these harmonious definitions as well. ~

    Liked by 1 person

Your words are stardust, they shine and sparkle in my heart. Thank you!

“Language is not like the sun,
heating and scorching
but like the moon
keeping secrets
and the arcane magic of the night
throwing stars
in the lilacs’ claws
till dawn.” -Iulia Halatz

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